Gallery Exhibitions​

Mojo Glass

Kaleidoscope: An Exploration of Color & Shapes

Artist Eligibility: HCAC Artist Members

Exhibit Submission Form Due Date: Sunday, August 25 by Midnight

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, September 3 from 10 am – 5 pm

Exhibit Dates: September 4 – October 27

Exhibit Description:  The kaleidoscope offers an endless array of colors, shapes, and amusement for all ages. This exhibit provides visual stimulation through pattern recognition and color, inspiring artists to explore the world of shapes and colors.

Please Note: You will fill out the above form for each piece you’re submitting for the above exhibit. You need to submit a NEW form per piece. As an example, if you’re submitting three pieces, you will fill this form out three times. Artists may submit up to three pieces; however, HCAC cannot guarantee all pieces will be displayed at one time. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Gallery Protocols at the bottom of THIS WEBPAGE and ensure your artwork meets all of them. 

Contract Submission Instructions

  • Step One: Familiarize yourself with the Gallery Protocols and ensure your artwork meets all of them.
  • Step Two: Open provided link
  • Step Three: Fill in the fields with the correct information. For example: Artist Full Name, Artwork Title, Artwork Price, etc. 
  • Step Four: Upload an image of your work if you’d like you’d like us to use the image to promote the exhibit.
  • Then check yes or no to be entered in a drawing to be the demo artist at the opening reception of the exhibit. 
  • Agree to the terms by selecting “yes”
  • Step Five: Click on the “Submit” button 
  • Please note: Fill out the form for each piece you’re submitting for the above exhibit. You need to submit a NEW form per piece. As an example, if you’re submitting three pieces, you will fill this form out three times. 
  • Step Six: Drop off and pick up artwork at the allotted date and times.

2024 Gallery Exhibitions

Seven thematic exhibits were selected by the Gallery Committee for 2024. Each exhibit encourages artists working in all mediums to participate. If you’re an artist and would like to exhibit in our downtown gallery, join the HCAC Artist Membership Program today!

Nancy P. Gilbert

January 26 – March 3: LOVE

Artist Eligibility: HCAC Artist Members

Exhibit Submission Form Due Date: Sunday, January 14 by Midnight

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, January 23

Exhibit Dates:  January 26 – March 3

Exhibit Description: In conjunction with Love the Arts on Main Street, the inaugural 2024 exhibit is all about LOVE. Love is a powerful emotion that unites individuals. It transforms and inspires us. Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate the season of love in our gallery!

Jake Harwood

March 6 – April 7: Challenge Me: Art Created by Differently Abled Artists

Artist Eligibility: Specially Curated

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, March 5 from 10 am – 5 pm

Exhibit Dates:  March 6 – April 7

Exhibit Description: Differently abled artists show that creativity is unlimited. Celebrating their work establishes their presence in the artistic world. This specially curated exhibit highlights the art from a local non-profit organization.

Sheri Friedman

April 10 – June 2: Wings

Artist Eligibility: HCAC Artist Members

Exhibit Submission Form Due Date:  Sunday, March 31 by Midnight

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, April 9 from 10 am – 5 pm

Exhibit Dates: April 10 – June 2

Exhibit Description: Wings are used by animals and in man-made vehicles. They provide lift and propulsion through the air. Artists let their creativity take flight in an exhibit to dazzle and delight us!

Karen Stockwell

June 6 – 30: Pets

Artist Eligibility: HCAC Artist Members

Exhibit Submission Form Due Date: Sunday, May 26 by Midnight

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, June 4 from 10 am – 5 pm

Exhibit Dates: June 6 – 30 

Exhibit Description: Pets offer companionship and love and can improve our health and well-being. They can bring immense joy and support into our lives. We honor our pet companions in this summer exhibit!

Lori Axelrod

July 3 – Sept. 1: Textures

Artist Eligibility: HCAC Artist Members

Exhibit Submission Form Due Date:  Sunday, June 23 by Midnight

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, July 2 from 10 am – 5 pm

Exhibit Dates: July 3 – Sept. 1

Exhibit Description:  Whether we can feel or see them, they are everywhere in our daily lives. They range from the fabric of our clothing to the surfaces of our walls. In art, texture plays a vital role in emphasizing certain aspects of a piece. Explore all the textured pieces in this exhibit!

Mojo Glass

September 4 – October 27: Kaleidoscope: An Exploration of Color & Shapes

Artist Eligibility: HCAC Artist Members

Exhibit Submission Form Due Date:  Sunday, August 25 by Midnight

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, September 3 from 10 am – 5 pm

Exhibit Dates: September 4 – October 27

Exhibit Description:  The kaleidoscope offers an endless array of colors, shapes, and amusement for all ages. This exhibit provides visual stimulation through pattern recognition and color, inspiring artists to explore the world of shapes and colors.

Juli Hulcy-Kessinger

Oct. 30 – End of Year: Small Works 2024

Artist Eligibility: HCAC Artist Members

Exhibit Submission Form Due Date: Sunday, October 20 by Midnight

Drop Off Date & Time: Tuesday, October 29 from 10 am – 5 pm

Exhibit Dates: October 30 – End of Year

Exhibit Description: It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Our annual exhibit, Small Works remains a community favorite! This exhibit features work that is 12 x 12 inches or smaller and ornaments to encourage giving the gift of creative spirit.

Gallery Exhibit Protocols

Please Note: You will fill out the above form for each piece you’re submitting for the above exhibit. You need to submit a NEW form per piece. As an example, if you’re submitting three pieces, you will fill this form out three times. Artists may submit up to three pieces; however, HCAC cannot guarantee all pieces will be displayed at one time. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Gallery Protocols at the bottom of THIS WEBPAGE and ensure your artwork meets all of them. 

The goal of the Haywood County Arts Council Haywood Handmade Gallery is to promote HCAC artist members’ handmade work. Please review carefully!


  • Only artist members may participate in exhibits. This requirement is exempt for specially curated exhibits only. To learn more about Artist Memberships click here.
  • All artists must live in the Western North Carolina Mountain Region, which includes the following North Carolina counties highlighted on the map at the bottom of this page

Jury & Fees:

  • No jury for exhibits
  • No exhibit entry fees


HCAC reserves the right to refuse any work they deem unacceptable.

  • Artists must complete the exhibit submission form, before the deadline. Please note: Fill out the form for each piece you’re submitting for the above exhibit. You need to submit a NEW form per piece. As an example, if you’re submitting three pieces, you will fill this form out three times. 
  • Once the exhibit submission form is completed, no changes may be made to the price, title, etc.
  • Please ensure all work is appropriate for all ages.
  • Demonstrates creativity, originality, and excellence in design
  • Work is saleable and for sale
  • Each piece is individually made by the artist – must be original to the artist
  • Each piece is capable of maintaining its structural integrity over time
  • Art should be family-friendly
  • No content that is political, religious, or pornographic in nature
  • No group or club affiliations or symbols
  • No late entries 
  • Artwork must be for sale, the typical 30/70 split between HCAC and the artist will apply.

Installation Process & Requirements:

  • Artists may submit up to three pieces of wall or pedestal artwork per exhibit with the exception of jewelry in which the artist can submit up to five pieces. Another exception is ornaments for the Small Works exhibit, up to eight exhibit pieces can be submitted. (More than eight can be submitted if they are tree ornaments for Small Works). 
  • Due to our limited space, exhibits are hung in the Salon-Style and artworks will be hung at varying heights. 
  • The volunteer install crew considers size, colors, and themes when hanging each exhibit.
  • The total number of artworks varies from exhibit to exhibit. The volunteer installation crew tries to install all artworks. If space does not allow everything to be installed, pieces will be stored on-site and displayed as replacement pieces until the exhibit’s close date. With this in mind, we try to hang at least two to three from each artist, unless an artist submits multiple large pieces. In which case one would be hung.
  • If a piece is larger than 36 inches in any direction, the artist must email the Art & Gallery Manager ( for approval.
  • Pieces must be “Installation Ready” see below section.

Installation Ready:

Two Dimensional, Wall Hanging Pieces:

  • Frames, mats, acrylic, backing, and writing must be high quality, clean, neat, and secure.
  • The ability to hang pieces such as wire, clasp, or for quilts, a bar or rod of some kind that can adhered to the wall is provided.

Three Dimensional, Jewelry, Sculptures and Pottery:

  • All work must have a stable, neat, and secure way to stand on its own accord.
  • Fragile work and jewelry must come with appropriate packaging materials.

Commercially Printed Items:

Notice: Commercially printed items other than illustrated books from handmade artworks, prints, and cards are not allowed in exhibits.

Western North Carolina Mountain Region of the North Carolina Arts Programs