Open Studio is a recurring event that takes place on the first Sunday and third Wednesday of each month, from noon to 4 pm. During this time, artist members can work on small projects and enjoy the opportunity to mingle with fellow creatives. It provides a relaxed, collaborative atmosphere where artists can focus on their work while also connecting with others in the community.

Open Studio occurs on the first Sunday and third Wednesday of each month from 12 – 4 pm.

Location: 225 Church Street #204, Waynesville, NC 28786

(Lilac brick building with a row of orange chairs at the entrance. The HCAC classroom is the first classroom on the right)

Parking: Artists are asked to park in the gravel lot above the building.

Requirements & Amenities

  1. You must be an artist member to use the classroom space.
  2. Artists must follow all Classroom Rules (see below)
  3. Artists must bring their own materials for their projects. The materials stocked in the classroom are for the Kid’s Art Club and Community-based projects ONLY.
  4. This is a shared space, please bring a manageable/space-appropriate project to work on.  
  5. 12 – 15 workable areas

Classroom Rules

  • Do not scoot or drag tables. To move tables have two people pick up tables to move them.
  • Do not roll tables
  • If using a mallet or hammer, please pound on solid black tables ONLY.
  • Return classroom materials to where you found them
  • Do not throw food away in the classroom trashcans
  • Only use an Xacto utility knife, or rotary blade with a cutting mat underneath!
  • No solvents or oil-based products down the sink
  • Respect each other and the shared classroom space

2025 Open Studio Schedule

  • Wednesday, March 19th
  • Sunday, April 6th
  • Wednesday, April 16th
  • Sunday, May 4th
  • Wednesday, May 21st
  • Sunday, June 1st
  • Wednesday, June 18th
  • Sunday, July 6th
  • Wednesday, July 16th
  • Sunday, August 3rd
  • Wednesday, August 20th
  • Sunday, September 7th
  • Wednesday, September 17th
  • Sunday, October 5th
  • Wednesday, October 15th
  • Sunday, November 2nd
  • Wednesday, November 19th
  • Sunday, December 7th
  • Wednesday, December 17th

About the Classroom

Location: All classes are held in HCAC’s classroom space at Church Street Studios (225 Church Street #204, Waynesville, NC 28786)

  • Utility Sink
  • Four Round Tables (four students per table)
  • 6 ft table
  • Five outlets (pictured below)
  • Supplemental materials such as various papers, pencils, paper towels, water/paint cups/bowls 
  • Art Library

Thank You to Our Classroom Host & Sponsor, Harmony Haus!