Roger Gilmore

It’s very likely I’m the newest and least experienced painter in the Haywood County Arts Council. I retired in 2022 after 27 years in the US Navy, followed by another 14 years in the Veterans Health Administration, the last five being at the Asheville VA Medical Center. My wife and I live in Waynesville. Our three adult sons have jobs leaving them far-flung: Tokyo, Bermuda, and DC. Christmas 2023 surprised me with a very nice drawing set from my youngest son. Not sure what motivated him, but I’m glad he did it. I then took a drawing course at Haywood Community College in January and loved it. It was the first artwork I had done since, well, elementary school. I then followed up with a painting class in March 2024 and am now thoroughly hooked.

I work with acrylics in an impressionistic style and am mainly drawn to landscapes, although I’m experimenting with other subjects. And I do love color! The beauty of our singular world serves as a constant source of wonderment and awe for me.